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  <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading" lang="en">Magic</h1>  <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading" lang="en">Magic</h1>
- + <center><p style="border:3px; border-style:solid; border-color:#FF0000; padding: 1em;"><b>This info might be out of date.</b><br> Please proceed with caution while we work on getting it updated. <br>September 2024</p></center>
  </div>  </div>
- <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><div class="mw-parser-output"><p>Having magic gives you access to a Magic menu where you can configure the various settings of your magic, and activate spells. You will know your character has magic if they are at least 10 years old and there is a Magic option under Actions. Note that when a character with magic dies, the magic dies with them. If they are revived in any way, the magic does not come back with them. + <div id="mw-content-text" lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><div class="mw-parser-output"> 
-</p>+Having magic gives you access to a Magic menu where you can configure the various settings of your magic, and activate spells. You will know your character has magic if they are at least 10 years old and there is a Magic option under Actions. Note that when a character with magic dies, the magic dies with them. If they are revived in any way, the magic does not come back with them.
 <div id="toc" class="toc"><div class="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div> <div id="toc" class="toc"><div class="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div>
 <ul> <ul>
 <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href="#Obtaining_Magic"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Obtaining Magic</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href="#Obtaining_Magic"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Obtaining Magic</span></a></li>
 +<li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-1"><a href="#Genetics"><span class="tocnumber">1.1</span> <span class="toctext">Genetics</span></a></li>
 +<li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-1"><a href="#Catalysts"><span class="tocnumber">1.2</span> <span class="toctext">Catalysts</span></a></li>
 <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2"><a href="#Training_and_Spell_Potency"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Training and Spell Potency</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2"><a href="#Training_and_Spell_Potency"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Training and Spell Potency</span></a></li>
 <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3"><a href="#Basic_Combat"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Basic Combat</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3"><a href="#Basic_Combat"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Basic Combat</span></a></li>
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 <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Obtaining_Magic">Obtaining Magic</span></h2> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Obtaining_Magic">Obtaining Magic</span></h2>
-<p>Everyone who obtains a new school of magic will start at level 1, regardless of whether it was learned or inherited. The various ways of acquiring magic are listed here. +Everyone who obtains a new school of magic will start at level 1, regardless of whether it was learned or inherited. The various ways of acquiring magic are listed here. 
-</p><p><b>Genetics</b+<h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Genetics">Genetics</span></h3> 
-</p><p>Magic can be inherited genetically by parents, or develop spontaneously at birth. If neither parent has magic, the child has a 10% chance of having magic, but if one or both of the parents has magicthe chance increases to 50%. Regardless of whether the parents had magic or not, the element is chosen at randomand as such the element the child is born with will not necessarily be the same as that of the parent. Whether a child has magic or not is determined at birthbut the child will not be able to tell whether they have magic or not until they are 10 years old.+ 
 +All child characters have a separate roll for magic when they spawn in aged five. The chances of succeeding this roll are increased if either of the child's parents also successfully rolled for magic when they spawned in. 
 +If neither parent has magic, the child has a 10% chance of having magic.  
 +If one of the parents has magic the chance increases to 50%. 
 +If both parents have magic, the chance is 100%.  
 +If successful, the child's magic will emerge at age ten and can then be roleplayed and trained. The school of magic unlocked by the child is completely random and not influenced by what element their parent hasFor example, a child born to two natural wager mages has an equal chance of spawning with earth, fire, or air as they do water. 
 +<b>Note:</b> If the parents have unlocked magic by using one or more catalysts, then this does not count as natural magic and does not influence the above percentages. Please refer to <a href="#Catalysts">Catalysts</a> for more information. 
 +<h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Catalysts">Catalysts</span></h3> 
 +Catalysts are the name of the object that can be crafted to enable a master mage to pass on their element to another. 
 +<h4>Catalyst Craft Requirements</h4> 
 +For a catalyst to be made the following conditions must be met: 
 +<li> The mage must be a master of a naturally gained element</li> 
 +<li> The mage must possess a gem of any quality</li> 
 +<h4>The Crafting Project</h4> 
 +Once the mage is a master and has a gem in their inventorythey will need to set up a casting project to create the catalyst. The catalyst will always provide the same element when used by another. 
 +The project lasts 5 years for the mage, it provides no exp, and can only be worked on by the initiating mage. 
 +The mage is able to set a custom name and description for their catalyst. These should be serious and fit the element and character creating them. 
 +Upon completion, a <I>kickback</i> is received. This impacts their mastery and depends on the quality of the gem used in crafting. 
 +To balance the number of catalysts a mage can make in their life and provide new challenges for master mages; upon creating a catalyst mages receive a kickback to their skill level. 
 +This skill kickback is entirely dependant on the gem used in crafting and can range from 0% - leaving the mage at master, to 100%, which would set them back to skill level 4 with no exp. 
 +<table style="padding:1px; border-radius:10px; width:100%; max-width:500px; min-width:275px; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:25px; border:1px solid black; text-align:center;"> 
 +    <tbody><tr> 
 +        <th style="color:white; padding:5px; margin:0px; background-color:#286090; border-radius:0px 0px 0 0; text-align:center;">Gem Quality</th> 
 +        <th style="color:white; padding:5px; margin:0px; background-color:#286090; border-radius:0px 0px 0 0;text-align:center;">Kickback %</th> 
 +        <th style="color:white; padding:5px; margin:0px; background-color:#286090; border-radius:0px 0px 0 0; text-align:center;">Resulting Level</th> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr style="background-color:#eaeaea;"> 
 +        <td>1</td> 
 +        <td>100%</td> 
 +        <td>Level 4, 0% exp</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr> 
 +        <td>2</td> 
 +        <td>75%</td> 
 +        <td>Level 4, 25% exp</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr style="background-color:#eaeaea;"> 
 +        <td>3</td> 
 +        <td>50%</td> 
 +        <td>Level 4, 50% exp</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr> 
 +        <td>4</td> 
 +        <td>25%</td> 
 +        <td>Level 4, 75% exp</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr style="background-color:#eaeaea;"> 
 +        <td>5</td> 
 +        <td>0%</td> 
 +        <td>Level 5</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 +Upon remastering, it is possible to then make another catalyst if the mage wishes to. 
 +<h4>Learning from a Catalyst</h4> 
 +Any character over the age of 14 that does not already possess the same magic school of a catalyst can learn from one. 
 +The project takes between 5 and 9 years, with the length dependant on the Knowledge Attribute. 
 +This project, similar to creation, also doesn't give exp and can also only be worked on by the initiator. The catalyst is consumed for the project. 
 +There are no injuries upon learning magic via a catalyst, however, catalyst mages cannot create catalysts upon mastery, nor do they give the magic inheritance bonus for their offspring. 
 +All catalyst learnt mages begin at level 1 similar to natural mage when they discover theirs at 10. 
-</p><p>A master elemental mage can teach a normal person a magic ability, granting them access to the magic tree of that element, after a 5 year project in which both teacher and student must be participating. 
-</p><p><b>Spell Books</b> (Implemented, Not Yet Available) 
-</p><p>These one-time use items are only obtainable through ruins, which contain the most difficult enemies in the game. 
-</p><p>As a person without magic, spell books can be used to learn its associated spell branch without the need for a master mage - doing so will require 5 years of study with no experience gain. 
-</p><p>As a person with magic, spell books can be used to gain experience in the associated spell branch without a resource cost in a project that lasts twice as long as casting, enabling more reliable experience gain, especially useful for training higher spell levels. 
-</p><p><b>Artifacts</b> (Planned, Not Yet Implemented) 
-</p><p>Artifacts are magical items that are extremely old and powerful. They often provide some sort of powerful ability or functionality that does not require knowing any elemental magic. 
 <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Training_and_Spell_Potency">Training and Spell Potency</span></h2> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Training_and_Spell_Potency">Training and Spell Potency</span></h2>
-<p>A mage can train their own spell skill via a casting project. These projects have required components just like crafting projects doand those required components differ based on the spell type, detailed below in the <a href="#Elemental_Branches">Elemental Branches</a> section. Training projects require 80 effort just like weapons (they also cost the same in terms of number of required resources), and result in spell potency. Spell potency is the resulting quality of your latest casting projectand is used to determine the amount of damage a spell will do in combatUnlike in crafting weapon, a mage does not receive experience until the end of the project, therefore if they cancel during casting they can receive the resources back but will gain no experience and their potency will remain unchanged. Please note a mage cannot gain experience by using the magic in combat and connecting their hitsbut it is a good way of 'proving' the skill is present+ 
-</p><p>Alternatively, if a mage has a spell book for their associated element they can study it to gain experience without a resource cost+<h4>Training</h4> 
-</p>+A mage can train their own spell skill via a casting project. Each casting project requires 70 resources totalwith the type differing depending on the element.  
 +Casting projects take 80 effort and result in spell potency and magic expboth of which are presented upon project completion. 
 +If a project is cancelled, the resources are returned but no experience is gained and the potency remains unchanged. 
 +Using magic in combat does not give any experience. 
 +<h4>Spell Potency</h4> 
 +Gained via casting projectsspell potency is the resulting quality of the last project completed
 +Potency determines the amount of damage magical combat (if used) will inflict; the strength of their magic defence (if set); the quality of Healing Touch; Poison Touch; the variety of animals that can be Summoned; and the variety of animals that can be Shapeshifted into. 
 +<h4>Casting Requirements</h4> 
 +<table style="padding:1px; border-radius:10px; width:100%; max-width:500px; min-width:275px; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:25px; border:1px solid black; text-align:center;"> 
 +    <tbody><tr> 
 +        <th style="color:white; padding:5px; margin:0px; background-color:#286090; border-radius:0px 0px 0 0; text-align:center;">Element</th> 
 +        <th style="color:white; padding:5px; margin:0px; background-color:#286090; border-radius:0px 0px 0 0;text-align:center;">Resource Type 1</th> 
 +        <th style="color:white; padding:5px; margin:0px; background-color:#286090; border-radius:0px 0px 0 0; text-align:center;">Resource Type 2</th> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr style="background-color:#eaeaea;"> 
 +        <td>Fire</td> 
 +        <td>Material</td> 
 +        <td>Wood</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr> 
 +        <td>Air</td> 
 +        <td>Material</td> 
 +        <td>Ingredient</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr style="background-color:#eaeaea;"> 
 +        <td>Water</td> 
 +        <td>Ingredient</td> 
 +        <td>Ingredient</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 +    <tr> 
 +        <td>Earth</td> 
 +        <td>Herb</td> 
 +        <td>Stone</td> 
 +    </tr> 
 <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Basic_Combat">Basic Combat</span></h2> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Basic_Combat">Basic Combat</span></h2>
-<p>At level 1, mages of all elements gain the ability to use their magic offensively or defensively. Changing between using magic offensively or defensively (or neither) has a cooldown of one hour. There is no inherent difference in power between elemental types when used in this way; they all mechanically work the same way and each of them can be leveled individually. When calculating damage dealt or blocked, knowledge is used as the attribute, spell level is used as the skill, and spell potency is used as weapon/armour quality. Elemental magic can be used in roleplay as a telekinetic ability applicable only to that element (IE an air magic cannot move rocks, but they can push things with wind), in addition to roleplay supporting mechanics (such as the ability to fly). Characters cannot become their element, but they can move it, create it, or destroy it. Some abilities unlock special ways that an element can be roleplayed - this will be noted in the Magic menu, and the details are also listed below. +At level 1, mages of all elements gain the ability to use their magic offensively or defensively. Changing between using magic offensively or defensively (or neither) has a cooldown of one hour. There is no inherent difference in power between elemental types when used in this way; they all mechanically work the same way and each of them can be levelled individually.  
 +When calculating damage dealt or blocked, knowledge is used as the attribute, magic level is used as the skill, and spell potency is used as weapon/armour quality.  
 +Elemental magic can be used in roleplay as a telekinetic ability applicable only to that element (IE an air magic cannot move rocks, but they can push things with the wind), in addition to roleplay supporting mechanics (such as the ability to fly). Characters cannot become their element, but they can move it, create it, or destroy it. Some abilities unlock special ways that an element can be roleplayed - this will be noted in the Magic menu, and the details are also listed below. 
 <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Elemental_Branches">Elemental Branches</span></h2> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Elemental_Branches">Elemental Branches</span></h2>
-<p>Magic is separated by the element that the magic relies upon. Each level affects combat with the ability to use it as a weapon or as armour, while also providing perks or an ability upon each level achieved. The schools are listed here with their descriptions, as well as the abilities gained on each level. Note that each list begins at level 2, as the level 1 ability for every element is the use of that element in combat. +Magic is separated by the element that the magic relies upon. Each level affects combat with the ability to use it as a weapon or as armour, while also providing perks or an ability upon each level achieved. The schools are listed here with their descriptions, as well as the abilities gained on each level. 
 +Each school also indicates a theme that is present for that element, however, it is up to the players to decide how heavy they lean into this lore. 
 +<b>Note:</b> each list begins at level 2, as the level 1 ability for every element is the use of that element in combat. 
 <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Fire">Fire: The Destroyer</span></h3> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Fire">Fire: The Destroyer</span></h3>
-<p> + 
-The fire element embodies destruction and chaos; it can be powerful, but unstable. The fire magic casting project requires 75 wood and 75 material. +The fire element embodies destruction and chaos; it can be powerful, but unstable. The fire magic casting project requires 35 wood and 35 material. 
 <h4>Level 2: Destruction</h4> <h4>Level 2: Destruction</h4>
 Building destruction projects can be initiated without a battering ram, and take half the effort normally required to finish. For roleplay, setting buildings on fire to the point of major destruction is allowed. This is a passive ability that has no cooldown. The mage cannot use this ability on castles; they are immune and must be besieged through normal means. The mage can RP setting rooms on fire. This project uses the mage's fire skill to determine hourly effort and provides EXP only on completion. Building destruction projects can be initiated without a battering ram, and take half the effort normally required to finish. For roleplay, setting buildings on fire to the point of major destruction is allowed. This is a passive ability that has no cooldown. The mage cannot use this ability on castles; they are immune and must be besieged through normal means. The mage can RP setting rooms on fire. This project uses the mage's fire skill to determine hourly effort and provides EXP only on completion.
 <h4>Level 3: Berserk</h4> <h4>Level 3: Berserk</h4>
-<p> + 
-When activated, forces a random character in the vicinity to hit another random person, either of which could be anyone including the casterThis attack does enforce a cooldown between attacker and victim, which is an hour long for the attacker who is not the mage, but does not initiate the mage's own normal attack delay. The spell itself has a cooldown of 24 hoursand outputs an event identifying the castermeaning this spell cannot be done secretly. For roleplay, making other players feel emotionally unstable is allowed+The mage can attempt to manipulate those around them to cause friends to turn on each other. When activated, this ability causes all other characters within the same area as the mage to trigger a saving roll. If they pass, then they are unaffected. If they fail, then they attack a random character also within the same area - not including the mageCharacters can target themselves. These attacks ignore and do not trigger regular attack cooldowns or military group retaliations. A higher knowledge level increases the characters chances of not going berserk. Characters who are in a separate room to the mage will not be impacted - even if the window is open. The spell has a cooldown of 24 hours and identifies the castermeaning this spell cannot be done in secret. For roleplay, the mage can attempt to make other characters feel emotionally unstable. 
 <h4>Level 4: Smokescreen</h4> <h4>Level 4: Smokescreen</h4>
-<p> + 
-A temporary effect lasting 1 hour where your directional movements cannot be seen. Entering vehicles, mounting, and arriving to a tile from a road will still show events, but travelling onto a road, turning around on a road, and moving between rooms and buildings will not, effectively providing a window for escapes when being pursued. It is impossible to arrive somewhere new without being noticed with a smokescreen around you. While direction cannot be seen, the character can still be seen if they stay still - meaning your character can still be attacked. This spell has a cooldown of 24 hours. +A temporary effect lasting 1 hour where your directional movements cannot be seen. Entering vehicles, mounting, and arriving at a tile from a road will still show events, but travelling onto a road, turning around on a road, and moving between rooms and buildings will not, effectively providing a window for escapes when being pursued. It is impossible to arrive somewhere new without being noticed with a smokescreen around you. While direction cannot be seen, the character can still be seen if they stay still - meaning your character can still be attacked. This spell has a cooldown of 24 hours. 
-Additionally, the mage may set lightning magic as their attack and defense types. +Additionally, the mage may set lightning magic as their attack and defence types.
 <h4>Level 5: Fire Bomb</h4> <h4>Level 5: Fire Bomb</h4>
 An area of effect spell that has a chance to hit everyone (including the mage and their allies) in the area, with no counter attacks to the mage. Every potential victim has the chance to dodge this, and the amount of damage done is the same as if the character were to attempt to hit everyone in a single hour. This spell requires one gem as a reagent, and has a 24 hour cooldown in addition to enforcing a general attack cooldown; in other words, this will enforce waiting another hour before a normal attack can be attempted. An area of effect spell that has a chance to hit everyone (including the mage and their allies) in the area, with no counter attacks to the mage. Every potential victim has the chance to dodge this, and the amount of damage done is the same as if the character were to attempt to hit everyone in a single hour. This spell requires one gem as a reagent, and has a 24 hour cooldown in addition to enforcing a general attack cooldown; in other words, this will enforce waiting another hour before a normal attack can be attempted.
 <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Air">Air: The Saboteur</span></h3> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Air">Air: The Saboteur</span></h3>
-<p> + 
-The air element embodies sound and the force of the wind; it is subtle and often passive, yet what hangs in the air is often carried. The air magic casting project requires 75 ingredients and 75 material. +The air element embodies sound and the force of the wind; it is subtle and often passive, yet what hangs in the air is often carried. The air magic casting project requires 35 ingredients and 35 material. 
 <h4>Level 2: Sound</h4> <h4>Level 2: Sound</h4>
 The mage can hear all whispers they are present for (within the last year) as they can easily detect the sound travelling through the air. There is never a need to eavesdrop at all. Can roleplay extra sound sensitivity if desired. The mage can hear all whispers they are present for (within the last year) as they can easily detect the sound travelling through the air. There is never a need to eavesdrop at all. Can roleplay extra sound sensitivity if desired.
 <h4>Level 3: Speed</h4> <h4>Level 3: Speed</h4>
 Travel speed is 25% faster by using air magic to propel the mage. This is applied no matter how you are travelling. The mage can now roleplay super movement speed. This bonus only applies to the mage and those who are on the same mount or vehicle - it does not provide a bonus to an entire group; if the mage is in a group where not everyone is in the same vehicle or mount as them, the speed will default to the slowest person in the group as usual. The mage must be the one to initiate travel for the bonus to be applied. Travel speed is 25% faster by using air magic to propel the mage. This is applied no matter how you are travelling. The mage can now roleplay super movement speed. This bonus only applies to the mage and those who are on the same mount or vehicle - it does not provide a bonus to an entire group; if the mage is in a group where not everyone is in the same vehicle or mount as them, the speed will default to the slowest person in the group as usual. The mage must be the one to initiate travel for the bonus to be applied.
 <h4>Level 4: Hush</h4> <h4>Level 4: Hush</h4>
 The mage does not produce movement events to anyone except themselves for 1 hour for the following actions: The mage does not produce movement events to anyone except themselves for 1 hour for the following actions:
 <ul> <ul>
Line 88: Line 228:
 <li>Arrival to/exit from a tile</li> <li>Arrival to/exit from a tile</li>
 </ul> </ul>
 Be warned: this only stops events from appearing in the feed. If someone is paying close enough attention to people present, they will be able to see the name of your character disappear from the list when you move. This power stops attention being brought to the mage, allowing them to slip in and out of buildings (but not vehicles/mounts), or to leave/arrive at an area without it being announced because the mage's actions are silent. This is a good way to escape, or arrive, and move about a location without being noticed. This spell has a 24 hour cooldown. You will know your actions are silent because the event you see will say it was done silently. Casting this spell is also done quietly, so you can safely activate it in front of others. This affects the mage only, it does not extend to group members or others in a vehicle/mount with the mage. Be warned: this only stops events from appearing in the feed. If someone is paying close enough attention to people present, they will be able to see the name of your character disappear from the list when you move. This power stops attention being brought to the mage, allowing them to slip in and out of buildings (but not vehicles/mounts), or to leave/arrive at an area without it being announced because the mage's actions are silent. This is a good way to escape, or arrive, and move about a location without being noticed. This spell has a 24 hour cooldown. You will know your actions are silent because the event you see will say it was done silently. Casting this spell is also done quietly, so you can safely activate it in front of others. This affects the mage only, it does not extend to group members or others in a vehicle/mount with the mage.
 Additionally, the mage can roleplay the telekinetic manipulation of objects. Throwing objects, causing them to levitate and swing, or something more sinister like bending someone's arm or choking them for combat is valid. The mage may set telekinesis as a magical combat type.  Additionally, the mage can roleplay the telekinetic manipulation of objects. Throwing objects, causing them to levitate and swing, or something more sinister like bending someone's arm or choking them for combat is valid. The mage may set telekinesis as a magical combat type. 
 <h4>Level 5: Flight</h4> <h4>Level 5: Flight</h4>
 The mage is able to use air magic with enough strength to pass over impassable areas like water (not ocean) and mountain tiles, automatically. You will not be able to do so if you have someone in your group who is not on the same mount or vehicle as you - if you are in a group with someone who is not also an air mage capable of flight, then you must either leave the group or get them on the same vehicle or mount with you. While at any water tile, it is impossible for any non-master air mage to get out of the vehicle or off the mount, because they cannot fly. The mage is able to use air magic with enough strength to pass over impassable areas like water (not ocean) and mountain tiles, automatically. You will not be able to do so if you have someone in your group who is not on the same mount or vehicle as you - if you are in a group with someone who is not also an air mage capable of flight, then you must either leave the group or get them on the same vehicle or mount with you. While at any water tile, it is impossible for any non-master air mage to get out of the vehicle or off the mount, because they cannot fly.
 <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Water">Water: The Seer</span></h3> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Water">Water: The Seer</span></h3>
-<p> + 
-The water element embodies blood, clarity, and the spirit; water always finds its equilibrium, and no truth is out of its reach. The water magic casting project requires a total of 150 ingredients, 75 each of two different kinds. +The water element embodies blood, clarity, and the spirit; water always finds its equilibrium, and no truth is out of its reach. The water magic casting project requires a total of 70 ingredients, 35 each of two different kinds. 
 <h4>Level 2: Healing Touch</h4> <h4>Level 2: Healing Touch</h4>
 The mage is able to attempt the healing of damage, injuries, or incapability without the use of potions - their spell potency takes the place of medicine quality to determine success. The mage may only use Healing Touch once every 24 hours, on either general damage, injuries, or incapability. This power requires a project and will not be available until the character is at least 14. The mage is able to attempt the healing of damage, injuries, or incapability without the use of potions - their spell potency takes the place of medicine quality to determine success. The mage may only use Healing Touch once every 24 hours, on either general damage, injuries, or incapability. This power requires a project and will not be available until the character is at least 14.
-</p> +
 Passively, the mage's power is now so in tune with the subconscious through the clarity provided by the power of water that they are able to read all the last several thoughts a person has had. Attempting to read another person's thoughts does come with some risk of the person feeling the odd sensation of another presence in their mind, but they will not know who it came from just from this sensation. Passively, the mage's power is now so in tune with the subconscious through the clarity provided by the power of water that they are able to read all the last several thoughts a person has had. Attempting to read another person's thoughts does come with some risk of the person feeling the odd sensation of another presence in their mind, but they will not know who it came from just from this sensation.
 <h4>Level 3: Telepathy</h4> <h4>Level 3: Telepathy</h4>
-<p> + 
-The mage is now able to communicate over a distance to others by sending their voice straight to their mind. This will open a channel for the person to reply directly back to the mage's mind, allowing two-way conversations. This channel will remain open 24 hours after the last message, but can only be used once per message+The mage is now able to communicate over a distance to others by sending their voice straight to their mind. 
 Passively, the mage is now a divine medium. From now on, they will receive visions or feelings indicating events that have yet to come to pass, when a major event is to occur (OOCly this will be admin induced large scale events - you cannot emote seeing the future for events that you have not been given a mechanical message about, though you can lie in dialog). In addition, the mage's power intrigues the gods, and they are more likely to be addressed in prayer. Passively, the mage is now a divine medium. From now on, they will receive visions or feelings indicating events that have yet to come to pass, when a major event is to occur (OOCly this will be admin induced large scale events - you cannot emote seeing the future for events that you have not been given a mechanical message about, though you can lie in dialog). In addition, the mage's power intrigues the gods, and they are more likely to be addressed in prayer.
 <h4>Level 4: Clairvoyance</h4> <h4>Level 4: Clairvoyance</h4>
-<p> + 
-The mage is able to speak with the dead, and they are able to speak back to the mage, if they still have presence and choose to do so (the original player can choose to dismiss the attempt if they wish). The mage can do this once per year. The body of the deceased must be present in the area, and the timeframe for the dead character being able to reply is limited to 3 days after the attempt before the connection to that spirit closes completely again. They will only be able to discuss or reveal information obtained during the living mortal life of the corpse being used to set the connection. The option to use this power will be visible by looking at a corpse description while it is on the ground. The mage only gets one chance to ask their question, and the  deceased only gets one chance to reply - once the spirit replies, there will be no further opportunities for conversation in that particular casting. +The mage is able to speak with the dead, and they are able to speak back to the mage, if they still have presence and choose to do so (the original player can choose to dismiss the attempt if they wish). The mage can do this once per year. The body of the deceased must be present in the area, and the timeframe for the dead character to be able to reply is limited to 3 days after the attempt before the connection to that spirit closes completely again. They will only be able to discuss or reveal information obtained during the living mortal life of the corpse being used to set the connection. The option to use this power will be visible by looking at a corpse description while it is on the ground. The mage only gets one chance to ask their question, and the deceased only gets one chance to reply - once the spirit replies, there will be no further opportunities for conversation in that particular casting. 
-The power of water has also extended the mage's reach to blood. Passively, the mage is able to see the bloodline of individuals, and their true blood-based familial relations, as well as their true names, and whether someone is inbred. The mage can also RP the manipulation of blood itself through telekinesisif desired, or as a form of damage in combat (within the bounds of the combat mechanics - remember, mechanics trump roleplay). +The power of water has also extended the mage's reach to blood. Passively, the mage is able to see the bloodline of individuals, and their true blood-based familial relations, as well as their true names, and whether someone is inbred. The mage can also RP the manipulation of blood itself through telekinesis if desired, or as a form of damage in combat (within the bounds of the combat mechanics - remember, mechanics trump roleplay). 
 <h4>Level 5: Necromancy</h4> <h4>Level 5: Necromancy</h4>
-<p> + 
-The mage's connection to the spirit which water symbolizes is strong enough to attempt to bring spirits back from the dead - provided they have their body, and 1 gem as a reagent. The mage can attempt this once per 5 years, only on bodies who were under the age of 35 at the time of their death, and only on accounts which are still active with a viable slot for their returned character to take up again. There is no guarantee the subject will wake up if the player of that character does not want to play them. +The mage's connection to the spirit which water symbolizes is strong enough to attempt to bring spirits back from the dead - provided they have their body, and 1 gem as a reagent. The mage can attempt this once per 5 years, only on bodies who were younger than the lifespan of their race at the time of their death, and only on accounts which are still active with a viable slot for their returned character to take up again. There is no guarantee the subject will wake up if the player of that character does not want to play them. 
 <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Earth">Earth: The Savant</span></h3> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Earth">Earth: The Savant</span></h3>
-<p> + 
-The earth element embodies physical strength, growth, and adaptability. The earth magic casting project requires 75 stone and 75 herbs. +The earth element embodies physical strength, growth, and adaptability. The earth magic casting project requires 35 stone and 35 herbs. 
 <h4>Level 2: Poison Touch</h4> <h4>Level 2: Poison Touch</h4>
 The mage's relationship with nature has allowed their abilities to manifest into a deadly poison with a quality that is equal to that of their spell potency that can be infused into any food selected after completing the initial 10 effort spell project. Poison quality will be spell potency rounded to the nearest integer. The mage may only cast this spell once per year. The mage's relationship with nature has allowed their abilities to manifest into a deadly poison with a quality that is equal to that of their spell potency that can be infused into any food selected after completing the initial 10 effort spell project. Poison quality will be spell potency rounded to the nearest integer. The mage may only cast this spell once per year.
-</p> +
 Passively, the mage is able to gather 15% faster with the aid of their magic. The mage can roleplay controlling the growth and movement of lesser non-mechanically-based plants. Passively, the mage is able to gather 15% faster with the aid of their magic. The mage can roleplay controlling the growth and movement of lesser non-mechanically-based plants.
 <h4>Level 3: Animal Summon</h4> <h4>Level 3: Animal Summon</h4>
-<p> + 
-The mage can summon any non-mythical wild animal that is less than or equal to their spell potency in power with a 1 year cooldown, as long as there is room in the area for it.</p+The mage can summon any non-mythical wild animal that is less than or equal to their spell potency in power with a 1 year cooldown, as long as there is room in the area for it. 
 Passively, animals have a 15% higher chance to be successfully tamed at any level, and as they are drawn to the mage's connection with the earth, they will never attack them or their tamed animals unprovoked. The mage can roleplay the actions of wild animals or animals they own including movements and speech. Passively, animals have a 15% higher chance to be successfully tamed at any level, and as they are drawn to the mage's connection with the earth, they will never attack them or their tamed animals unprovoked. The mage can roleplay the actions of wild animals or animals they own including movements and speech.
 <h4>Level 4: Nature's Prison</h4> <h4>Level 4: Nature's Prison</h4>
-<p> + 
-If successful (the victim has a chance to dodge), this spell traps the target - it disables them from moving, travelling, crafting, or moving items for 12 hours, and has a cooldown period of 24 hours. If cast while on a road, this stops the victim from progressing forward, and they will not be able to turn around. The mage cannot frisk, move, or turn around the target (you are just as incapable of moving them as they are moving themselves), and targets can still attack and counter attack to retaliate. This can be roleplayed as an earth or plant based trap, cage, or any other method of slowing down or impeding the character with the allowed magic themes, without obstructing their ability to defend themselves - think of it as a magical temporary prison cell or trap. This option can be found in the people menu. +If successful (the victim has a chance to dodge), this spell traps the target - it disables them from moving, travelling, crafting, or moving items for 12 hours, and has a cooldown period of 24 hours. If cast while on a road, this stops the victim from progressing forward, and they will not be able to turn around. The mage cannot frisk, move, or turn around the target (you are just as incapable of moving them as they are moving themselves), and targets can still attack and counter-attack to retaliate. This can be roleplayed as an earth or plant-based trap, cage, or any other method of slowing down or impeding the character with the allowed magic themes, without obstructing their ability to defend themselves - think of it as a magical temporary prison cell or trap. This option can be found in the people menu. 
 Passively, the mage also crafts items 15% faster with the aid of their magic. Passively, the mage also crafts items 15% faster with the aid of their magic.
 +Additionally, you can roleplay the direct control of flora. Causing animals and plants to attack, move, twist, talk for you, or replace your body parts with nature aspects is valid. You may now set nature as your combat magic to support this.
 <h4>Level 5: Shapeshift</h4> <h4>Level 5: Shapeshift</h4>
 The mage is able to take the full form (not partial) of any animal that exists in the game that is equal to or less than their spell potency in power because of their extended connection with nature. The mage's description and image in this form are configurable in the magic menu - what the mage sets here is what other characters will see when their form changes. The mage is able to speak in this form if they wish to, and anyone who had them named prior will not immediately recognize the mage by the nickname they had set for them in their normal form; instead their name will appear to them as whatever animal they selected to be shapeshifted into. The mage's stats are not enhanced or changed in this form, so they must roleplay abilities as an animal that aligns with them (EX: You cannot roleplay super strength just because you shapeshift into a gorilla if your character is weak). This form lasts as long as the mage allows it to, but they can only choose to switch forms once per game year (10 real days). The mage cannot shapeshift from being one animal directly into being another; they must go back to their non-animal form first. The mage can change their shift description and avatar without triggering a configuration cooldown, only changing the form itself in the configuration will trigger it. The mage is able to take the full form (not partial) of any animal that exists in the game that is equal to or less than their spell potency in power because of their extended connection with nature. The mage's description and image in this form are configurable in the magic menu - what the mage sets here is what other characters will see when their form changes. The mage is able to speak in this form if they wish to, and anyone who had them named prior will not immediately recognize the mage by the nickname they had set for them in their normal form; instead their name will appear to them as whatever animal they selected to be shapeshifted into. The mage's stats are not enhanced or changed in this form, so they must roleplay abilities as an animal that aligns with them (EX: You cannot roleplay super strength just because you shapeshift into a gorilla if your character is weak). This form lasts as long as the mage allows it to, but they can only choose to switch forms once per game year (10 real days). The mage cannot shapeshift from being one animal directly into being another; they must go back to their non-animal form first. The mage can change their shift description and avatar without triggering a configuration cooldown, only changing the form itself in the configuration will trigger it.
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  • magic.1600551897.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/09/19 21:44
  • by saph