Child Roleplay Guide


This guide is to provide ‘standard’ guidelines within which ‘normal’ children may sit. The information provided is based on the assumption that between the ages of 0-5 the upbringing was perfectly ‘normal’ or rather ‘non-damaging’ with no disabilities or disadvantages that would impact development.

Obviously, this will not apply to all children. Normal is being used for the middle ground standardised child and it is completely understood that children are extremely varied.

A lot of this information has been contextualised for the environments Marosian children are raise within and take into account that at 14 they gain mechanical independence. This information is in no way to be used in place of a Doctor or Specialist in Real Life.

Below this section will be another based around common disabilities or behavioural changes due to external factors (such as abuse, trauma or illness. This covers both direct, witnessed or heard. Please note this will not go into traumatic details.)

As always if you spot any inaccuracies or space for improvement; please get in touch and always remember that the Game Rules come first.

Age 5

It can be assumed that before this age they have hit all developmental milestones which include but are not limited to:

Between the ages of 5-6 the following behaviours and milestones are applicable and ‘normal’ for the ‘standard child’.

Age 6

Age 7

Age 8

Age 9

Age 10

Age 11

Age 12

Puberty presents itself in a variety of ways including but not limited to

Age 13

Age 14

General post 14 - 18 behaviours in IG context

Please note: grooming and sexual contact with minors are bannable offences. Do not engage in any type of relationship beyond an innocent friend or family if your character is over the age of eighteen and the target character is under the age of eighteen.

As always if you are unsure if something is legal or not In-Game, please send in a report and cease RP.