
This is an old revision of the document!


Some items can be destroyed which does not return components, but most items can be dismantled to get their components back. Dismantling items takes as much time as crafting them, except small items containing metal (listed below) which take twice as long. Dismantlement uses manufacturing skill. Dismantling items in a place where vandalism is illegal will result in guard attacks. Dismantling projects only allow the initiator to work on them and provide EXP only once completed.

You cannot dismantle resources, food, alchemy, dead bodies, locks, containers which have something in them, or god created items.

Original keys can be destroyed and will not return anything as they do not require metal to be made.

Inventions without components can be destroyed, but doing so does not provide EXP.

Items that can be destroyed: tools with no metal, wooden masks, pens, inventions, and containers.

Items that can be dismantled for 2x the effort if they contain metal: tools, inventions, jewelry, accessories.

Items that can be dismantled for normal effort: all other items unlisted (and tools, inventions, and accessories which do not contain any metal) including unlocked locks (if you have the original key and a hammer) and key copies.

All current items available in the game. Some of them have special abilities. Containers can hold 5x their weight, and buildings can hold their weight. Vehicles have their own capacities separately.

type item effort weight lift? drag?
clothing accessory 50 1 yes yes
building alchemy factory 100 3000 no no
machine alembic 50 10 yes yes
furniture altar 25 10 no yes
container amphora 15 5 yes yes
jewelry anklet 50 5 yes yes
alchemy antidote 80 1 yes yes
machine anvil 50 100 no yes
building apothecary 100 3000 no no
special area key 15 0.01 yes yes
furniture area lock 15 5 no no
building armor factory 100 3000 no no
container bag 15 5 yes yes
food baked 5 1 yes yes
building bank 200 50000 no no
building barn 50 1000 no no
container barrel 75 15 no yes
container basket 15 5 yes yes
furniture bathtub 30 50 no yes
machine battering ram 30 150 no yes
furniture bed 50 100 no yes
food beverage 5 0.5 yes yes
food boiled 5 1 yes yes
container book 1 1 yes yes
container bowl 15 0.2 yes yes
container box 15 5 yes yes
jewelry bracelet 50 5 yes yes
food brewed 12 0.5 yes yes
vehicle buggy 150 0 no no
container bulletin board 15 0.2 no no
machine camp fire 5 10 no no
vehicle carriage 150 0 no no
vehicle cart 150 300 no no
machine cask 48 50 no yes
container casket 100 20 no yes
building castle 500 50000 no no
furniture chair 15 25 no yes
vehicle chaise 150 200 no no
furniture chandelier 15 10 no no
vehicle chariot 150 150 no no
container chest 25 10 no yes
clothing cloak 50 1 yes yes
building clothing factory 100 3000 no no
building container factory 100 3000 no no
special container key 15 0.01 yes yes
furniture container lock 15 0.2 yes yes
furniture couch 50 100 no yes
container counter 30 10 no no
furniture counter 30 50 no yes
container crate 125 25 no yes
tool crowbar 25 25 yes yes
jewelry crown 50 5 yes yes
container cup 15 0.2 yes yes
invention custom 5 1 yes yes
furniture desk 30 50 no yes
container display case 100 20 no no
building dock 50 1000 no no
clothing dress 50 1 yes yes
jewelry earrings 50 5 yes yes
clothing fabric mask 15 0.01 yes yes
building farm 50 1000 no no
container fireplace 25 2 no no
tool fishing pole 25 3 yes yes
container flask 15 0.2 yes yes
building food factory 100 3000 no no
food fried 5 1 yes yes
building furniture factory 100 3000 no no
building garden 50 1000 no no
container goblet 15 0.2 yes yes
food grilled 5 1 yes yes
building guard barracks 200 3000 no no
tool hammer 25 3 yes yes
clothing hat 25 1 yes yes
armor heavy 80 40 yes yes
tool hoe 25 2 yes yes
building jewelry factory 100 3000 no no
tool knife 25 1 yes yes
furniture lantern 15 10 yes yes
building library 100 3000 no no
armor light 80 10 yes yes
tool lockpick 25 25 yes yes
building lumber mill 50 1000 no no
building machine factory 100 3000 no no
container mannequin 100 20 no yes
building market 200 3000 no no
alchemy medicine 80 1 yes yes
weapon melee 80 10 yes yes
building metal factory 100 3000 no no
building mine 50 1000 no no
building mint 100 3000 no no
building monument 50 1000 no no
tool mortar and pestle 25 2 yes yes
container mug 15 0.2 yes yes
jewelry necklace 50 5 yes yes
tool needle 25 0.2 yes yes
invention note 1 0.01 yes yes
machine oven 50 70 no yes
tool pan 50 2 yes yes
clothing pants 25 1 yes yes
tool pen 1 0.01 yes yes
tool pickaxe 25 5 yes yes
jewelry piercing 50 5 yes yes
container pitcher 15 1 yes yes
container plate 15 0.2 yes yes
container platter 15 2 yes yes
alchemy poison 80 1 yes yes
tool pot 50 2 yes yes
container purse 15 1 yes yes
building quarry 50 1000 no no
weapon ranged 80 10 yes yes
food raw 5 1 yes yes
container reliquary 15 5 yes yes
jewelry ring 50 5 yes yes
furniture rug 50 5 yes yes
container sack 15 5 yes yes
container sarcophagus 100 20 no yes
tool saw 50 3 yes yes
clothing shirt 25 1 yes yes
clothing shoes 25 1 yes yes
tool sickle 25 2 yes yes
clothing skirt 25 1 yes yes
container small basket 15 1 yes yes
container small box 15 2 yes yes
machine smelter 48 150 no no
furniture statue 35 10 no yes
container stone bookshelf 15 10 no yes
building stone residence 150 3000 no no
building stone room 50 3000 no no
machine stove 50 50 no yes
furniture table 30 50 no yes
machine tanning rack 48 30 no yes
building tool factory 100 3000 no no
building town hall 300 3000 no no
container vase 15 0.2 yes yes
special vehicle key 15 0.01 yes yes
furniture vehicle lock 15 0.2 no no
vehicle wagon 150 500 no no
container wall-mounted frame 15 0.2 no no
furniture wall-mounted lantern 10 1 no no
furniture wall-mounted statue 35 10 no no
building walls 100 1000 no no
container wardrobe 25 10 no no
building warehouse 150 50000 no no
furniture washbasin 15 25 no yes
building watchtower 100 3000 no no
building weapon factory 100 3000 no no
furniture window 15 5 no no
special window key 15 0.01 yes yes
furniture window lock 15 0.2 no no
container wooden bookshelf 15 10 no yes
clothing wooden mask 15 0.5 yes yes
furniture wooden plaque 25 10 no no
building wooden residence 150 3000 no no
building wooden room 50 3000 no no
container wooden shelf 15 10 no yes
building workshop 100 3000 no no

  • items.1578234418.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/01/05 14:26
  • by aster