Marosia is a free text-based browser roleplaying game for adults. Its long-term nature means the stories you write with other players can be remembered for generations to come.
You can create and design your character to engage with an immersive open world in a fantasy setting, and contribute to a continuous, community-written story. Everyone you interact with is played by another player, and everything you see has been made by someone else.
Pick from a selection of starting races to write your story in a sandbox environment. You can play a folk policing the forest to keep travelers safe, a lone rock giant trundling through the vast grasslands, a kobold cultist living deep within the dangerous swamps, a life-loving fae that holds seasonal festivals to their goddess, a hot-headed daemon on the hunt for their next conquest - and so much more. Once your character forms within a town, your imagination is the limit, and Marosia provides you with the tools to play out their story in a multiplayer environment. Game mechanics allow your character to improve their skills over time, gather resources, and create items using the built-in crafting menu. Marosia supports artists and writers and allows players to be as creative as they want.
The world runs in real-time, with your character typically living approximately 18 months. Throughout that time they can make friends and enemies, fall in love and have a family, rise to become a leader of their city, encounter gods and beasts, explore the land in a map which would take 20 days to walk across, make mistakes or triumph - and all while creating a unique story in a world full of the impossible. You will encounter hermits and townsmen, priests and heathens, warlords and warriors, kings and thieves - and they all would have started where your character did: at the beginning. It is up to you to discover where your character fits in. What are you waiting for?