When broken functionality is found, you are required to report it through the game's report system found in the upper navigation menu. In addition, this is a roleplaying game first, a simulation second - roleplay is expected from your characters.
Roleplay (RP) is the narrative of a character's action. It can also encompass descriptions of the environment and surroundings, but the extent of this is determined by the Roleplay Hierarchy (read more about it in the Rules). By playing this roleplaying game, it is expected for players to roleplay their characters. That means using emotes on a regular basis in their posts, not just dialog. An emote is the literal written act of roleplaying a scene, typically written as if it is being read in a novel. The exception is when a character lives alone. Some sparse emoteless posts are alright, but characters for the most part should have some aspect of their interactions described regularly, including expressions, demeanor, and other indicators of mood. It should not express a character's thoughts. Below is an example:
Tears of frustration fill her tiny face as her arrow misses its intended mark, and the wolf manages to take a bite out of her before scurrying away, "Don't you ever bite my mommy again, you awful beastie!"
This game is officially supported on Firefox and Chrome on any major OS. All other browsers are unsupported. If you are using an unsupported browser, you may run into browser-specific bugs at your own risk.
The game date is Year 149 Day 18 Hour 8 with 7/132 players currently online and 426 characters living.
Hi Marosians. Staff are going to go ahead with applying tierborn bans more liberally from this point onwards as this is what the majority of players would like, and it is something we are in favour of as well.
You should not be playing a tierborn character after the age of 8 if you cannot commit to them until adulthood (aged 16). You have 30 days to put them up for adoption from the ages of 5 to 8 if you need to.
The following is what you need to know:
- If a tierborn starves under the age of 8, then the char is put up for adoption and the account receives an automatic tier suspension for 6 months
- If the tierborn starves between the ages of 8 and 16, then the character will die and the account will receive a tier suspension of 6 months
- If players request staff kill their character between the ages of 8 and 16, then the tier suspension will be reduced to 3 months
- If tierborns die for other reasons between the ages of 8 and 16 then this will be examined on a case by case. We strongly recommend you put in a report if this might apply to you
To players of parents - please put in a report if you think your tierborn is just simming (not rping and only working on levelling up) until age 16 so staff can see if a suspension is appropriate there, too.
Marosia is a real time, persistent roleplaying game and every five weeks the game becomes inaccessible to the players. Time is frozen in game and for the characters it is an unnoticeable event. We call that period a Lockdown. Lockdowns continue to be every fifth week; so four weeks of Marosia, one week off.
As always, the lockdown should begin soon after the daily tick, and end just after the daily tick would have ran.
2024 2 Sep - 9 Sep 7 Oct - 14 Oct 11 Nov - 18 Nov 16 Dec - 23 Dec
2025 20 Jan - 27 Jan 24 Feb - 3 Mar 31 Mar - 7 April 5 May - 12 May 9 Jun - 16 Jun 14 Jul - 21 Jul 18 Aug - 25 Aug 22 Sep - 29 Sep
Why does Marosia have lockdowns? Marosia is a small game with a very high demand on staff time due to complexity. Staff are volunteers and we have established we need the regular breaks in order to have a breather and get on top of things.
This is not necessarily permanent. We will review things to evaluate if it is working and if any changes need to be made.
For transparency, mods and loremasters will be able to access reports and gods can access prayers during this break if they want to use it to catch up, though we have not told them they have to do this.
We want to thank everyone for their understanding. It is impossible to please everyone, but at the end of the day we think we are lucky to have such a mature and understanding group of players on board with us, and we hope we can continue to reward that with our work over lockdown.
Why don't you just get more staff? We are not afraid to get more staff where we need them - but we had much higher rates of burnout within the staff team before we implemented the regular lockdowns. People were getting burned out, and we just cannot keep cycling through individuals like a revolving door, especially when we really value each person who is part of staff. Something had to change, and we think lockdowns are still the answer.
Why don't we encourage people to take breaks instead of locking the game for everyone? We do encourage people to take breaks whenever they need them, and staff and players are still going to be encouraged to take breaks between the lockdowns if they need them. However, it has been proven time and time again that people can struggle to take a break for a multitude of reasons. People worry about letting others down, about missing something crucial, or about the story standing still without their critical character. People end up powering through hoping that they will get their muse back, and we see people's resilience and enjoyment being chipped away until the game is viewed as a chore. Our hope is that lockdowns will give people the breathing space they need to recoup, eventually coming back to the game refreshed and with a newly found enthusiasm. When the game is down for everyone - people won't worry about what they are missing, and it will give staff some much-needed time to catch up on what needs doing without new things popping up.
Why one whole week? That is so long! We looked at shorter times but decided the full week was needed to really give us the chance to not only catch our breath, but also have some time relaxing for ourselves before the game comes back up. A few days was deemed not long enough to actually wind-down, so we opted for the longer break with a long period in between rather than a shorter break every week or fortnight.
What am I going to do with myself? Relax and forget Marosia for a bit, or you can try and make some progress on those descriptions or book entries you have been putting off. You can process recent plot developments and mull over future ones, or look closely at characters you are no longer enjoying and have the time and space to figure out how you might change that. Essentially - you can and should use the time however you want to.
Cheers - The Marosian Team
Marosia has a unique range of races to choose from at the start of your journey, and as the world continues to grow rich with lore, every so often a new type of race emerges. Whether you are looking to spawn in a specific location, or wanting to try a special request race this section is for you. All players are allowed to request to staff, via a Report, specific locations for their new characters, and even a few special races and modifiers that work on a separate queue attached to in game events.
Regular Targeted Spawns New characters automatically spawn in random locations for the starter races, based on how many characters of that race are present on the tile. However, through a report you can choose the location for your new character, with these criteria: - Any tile of the biome where their founding town was made - Town tiles where there is at least one character of their race at the moment of spawning - Golems can spawn in any tile in the world - Spawning might be rejected in cases where lore events happened to prevent it.
Sanguine [Sangre Tor] Sanguine are diseased, vampiric individuals usually converted by another character during gameplay. However, in the city of Sangre Tor there\'s a specific condition that allows souls to come to life as sanguine already. Some have considered these \'natural\' sanguines to be superior to those who are turned.
Sanguine is a modifier; when a character is converted they can have their body change outside of regular racial guidelines, now following the Sanguine guidelines. An individual who is afflicted with sanguinism will be able to bite people and animals if their hunger is below 100%, and can convert others once a year. Biting replenishes your hunger and can be a quick fix if you don\'t have food on you, or it can replace food altogether if your bites are strong enough.
Undead [Grand Nocturne] Undead are the beings of this world that have been brought back from the dead in...dubious ways. For this specific opportunity, they will spawn at the service of the undead queen of Grand Nocturne, and her goddess of Ambition. That being said, there will be expectations of you if you choose to spawn in: we hope to see people playing into the story. Undead is a modifier, which means that any characters that spawn with it will have to generally follow the guidelines of their base race, with the changes from the modifier being permitted think, zombies!.
You can read more on the discord announcement, but keep in mind this spawning might take a while, and the available races will depend on the availability of corpses to reanimate.
Learn more through a report or on the Discord announcement for Undead
Reformed [The Forge] Reformed are a special race of constructed creatures with both humanoid and insectoid features that include metal and bone as part of their appearance - but they are notably living creatures, not machinery. Currently exclusively spawning as servants of their maker, in line with the theming of insect aesthetics, these lovely buggy-metal lads spawn with immunity to illness from corpses and natural level 3 heavy armor as their racial perk. Their starting stats depends on which forge builds them. However, they are short lived, starting their old age rolls at 40, in addition to being unable to mate. As they are built rather than born, they are intended to have an innate drive to serve a purpose as a result, akin to the workers of a bug nest/hive.
Please note that this is a special race. We really hope to see players build upon each others\' ideas to make this experience a unique one, rather than getting one granted only to head off to go do their own thing.
Learn more through a report or on the Discord announcement for Reformed
Important Stuff! !! Animals are now properly attacking people again! Beware! !! - Leaders no longer need to be outside for people to apply as citizens! Woot! - Senior tierborn no longer count against your tierborn limit! Yipee!
UI Improvements: - The type of interior rooms is now visible in the area menu - Vehicle type, capacity and seats are now visible in the area menu - There\'s now a green \"Diseased\" badge on your character if they are diseased, so you can know it before you even access them - When storing items into containers, containers now appear split between inventory and ground - Updated the amount of visible announcements to 10 + some UI tweaks
Tierborn: - Tierborn are now able to detect parent and guardian intrinsically by looking at their character cards - Added a \"This character is a child\" section on the character menu with childhood information visible up until the character turns 10 - Added an account alert for when a tierborn under 8 years old reaches 25% hunger or health - Tierborn can now have their appearance change up until they are 8 years old - but please read the conditions around it ingame! - You can now see modifier and if the child is a shifted fae on the adoption screen - Added events for when a tierborn is placed up for adoption or is picked up from adoption
Backend: - Cleaned up unused functions in the Core game file - De-spaghettied character attacks
Perks and Abilities: - Adjusted Consume to allow for consumption whenever the character is under 100% hunger - Updated the shifting ability text to clarify the child born from a shifted character will be born shifted, but will in fact be the same race as their bearer - Sorted the race list on the Shifting ability to be alphabetical - Added the name of the receiver in telepathy replies
Bug Fixes: - When a char starts an Oust Leader project, they will now stop working on their previous project. No multi-tasking here! - Vehicles with apostrophes in their names can now be lockpicked - Stopping on the road will now generate an event - Accepting citizenship in a new town will now properly remove you from being the heir to any other town - Falling incapable from starving stopped giving injuries for a bit...it does again; starving hurts! - Mind links and other telepathic messages will automatically close brackets now - When a character dies in a moving vehicle, their corpse will actually exist - The water spell Healing Touch now generates an event when starting the project - Fire Magic building destruction no longer drops resources - Earth mages should be able to finish poisoning their food - Telepathy sent to dead characters will no longer alert the player of a message they will never be able to see...try clairvoyance instead! - Thoughts without a single space will no longer spill off of the page - The event for starting a vehicle destruction project has been fixed for grammar weirdness
A round of applause for our devs, please!
Hi Marosians. We have been seeing increased instances lately of poor etiquette when playing a tierborn character so we wanted to send a reminder out. Please remember that child characters are special because they have significant impact on the players around them when they are made, and we will be removing the ability to play kids from players who do not respect the below.
1. You should only be entering the queue or adopting someone if you are willing to engage with your in-game family and community. If you would like to play with your friends, or have a specific story-line in mind that you would like to try out, then you should be spawning in an adult character and not a tierborn. 2. Children in Marosia feel inherently attached to the character which brought them into the world. This attachment is akin to the bond which a 5 year old would feel towards a nurturing parent in real life, and it persists through adoption. It is unrealistic and poor etiquette for a child to pretend this bond does not exist or act as though it can be broken easily. 3. Tierborns are 5 years old when they are first made. They should act like a 5 year old. They should not be capable of formulating logical arguments as though they are in the final round of a debating championship. They are kids and they should act like it, and this should continue all the way through puberty until they become a young adult.
We will be removing the ability to play tierborns for players who cannot abide by the above. This includes players who continuously: - Push a plot of their character being neglected or abused when this is not actually happening. - Label their family and community as bad when they have no frame of reference. - Push for their character to leave their family because they are bored in-game. - Fail to engage in their local culture.
Adopt out if you need to If you are not vibing with the circumstances which a character has been created into, then you should put the character up for adoption so someone else can try.
Exceptions are possible if played well It is possible to play a rebel, runaway, or a character who is conflicted about cultural practices - but this must always be developed over time and given the proper weight it deserves. You should also gives others a chance to impact events and never railroad. Remember a six year old would never simply shrug and disown their family. If you are unsure if you're playing this appropriately, then please put in a report.
Reports are important Staff are following this issue closely, but we rely on reports to draw our attention to something iffy going on. If you see or suspect that the above is happening then please please do not hesitate to put in a report.
The game is going to go down on Sunday afternoon at around 1700 EDT. We hope it will be back online by Monday morning, but pre-warning that it may be down for longer. We will have no control over this but will keep you updated.
Projects should be working now Eavesdrop should also be fixed Animals should now be getting notifications at the right times and for the right animals Animals owned by hibernating characters should no longer give notifications for restlessness Books no longer show numbered descriptions in containers Pickpocket success message now shows the correct item name Pickpocket cooldown is now properly working per character (though you still only have 1 global chance to Pilfer per hour) Wild animals will no longer give restless warnings Characters should be properly waking up from hibernation now Dead characters should no longer be diseased All age brackets above adult now adjust proportionally according to character lifespan (so reformed will turn Old earlier than regular races)
Travel should be working again! You no longer need to be grouped up with your self to travel Leaders can once more move vehicles belonging to people in their group even if the owner isn't in the vehicle (but is grouped up) What you cannot do is move someone's cart if they are not in your group.
Extra New Features! Because our devs are just that great. You no longer need to input credentials if you are in the index page and your session hasn't timed out You can now see Announcements and Rules at top when logged in. The home page got a few updates and the rules and etiquette pages now help you return to the game and navigate between them
And here's the bug fixes since may 20th!
UI Fixes Named animals now properly show species on the area menu Prayers now auto-close formatting to prevent italics overflow catastrophes Books no longer show a description number when in containers
Project Fixes Project weight no longer counts against ground space at the finishing tick Checks were added so projects won't finish if an animal is no longer on tile You can no longer attach a vehicle that already has an animal attached to it, to a different animal Componentless items no longer estimate broken quality in the crafting menu Kobold dens can properly be destroyed once more Lockpicking area locks now gets an explanatory error when you've already picked the external lock Stacked projects can no longer be started in vehicles through movement shenanigans
Abilities and Magic Sanguines can no longer forcefully convert someone from outside their vehicle Fae shifting coolup is now a proper cooldown Faebie changelings are now born with the shifted racial icon Crafted catalysts now get properly named when the project finishes Berserk event order got fixed to become less confusing Smokescreen is now working as its description says it should Telepathy from your children now shows their name Telepathy now generates notifications Clairvoyance now recognizes line breaks Mind links can now be replied to if you have the return link Adjusted lifespans now remove the old age box from your Character Menu (or add it) Animal Ceasefire no longer lowers overall animal aggression on a tile
Injuries and Disease Undead Rot now contaminates people in vehicles If a character dying of old age is incap but under 14 days old in that year, they can now be healed from their incap Death should now properly clear modifiers, leaders, heirs, etc Incapacitation by animals now properly applies a permanent scar
Travel People can no longer move someone's cart unless they are either grouped up or subdued/incap in the cart with them This should fix people being left behind with a cart that goes on the road Riderless mounts now generate events when arriving to an area Characters can now dismount wild animals Lockpicking should now work in carts Dead people are now properly removed from groups
Misc You can no longer insta-spawn characters in succession by refreshing the page Tierborn that spawn on the road should be properly accessible Rideable animals that shouldn't be tameable are no longer tameable Timers now stop during lockdown Children up for adoption on the same tile no longer count as character crossings All of the death code has been moved from the old code to the new Not Exactly a Bug: When a group member is in an unhitched cart, the group travel time shows as 25 hours.
Hello, marosians!
New features and fixes of importance done over lockdown:
Custom colour headers for other characters posts You can now select a colour to highlight the header of any other characters posts as you save their nicknames! To save a color on a person you have already nicknamed, you have to press the nickname button again.
Limit craft quality You can now select a maximum quality to any item you make in the Crafting menu, up to the max your character can craft. If the characters actually working on the project would make it result into a lower quality than the max you set, the item will still come out lower. Just never higher.
Warnings before animals go wild Now, people in the area around animals will see events that warn them of animals growing restless roughly two days before they go wild. Owners will get private events too, if the location has a barn.
Pickpocketing limited to once an hour You can peek at everyone's pockets, but only take items once an hour. You now also get the items name on the success message.
Town leaders now break locks faster Anyone in a leadership position of a town now create lockbreaking projects that only take half the usual effort, if they're on their town's tile.
Choose who will be hibo in a character crossing The game will now only hibernate your character in a tile if the other is awake. So a hibernating character arriving to a tile should no longer make the awake character hibernate. And if you have two characters hibernating on a tile, whoever is set to awaken first will now properly awake.
Corpse sickness is working again Beware!
Whispers now clear activity warnings Because others can interact with them, they now count as posts and will clear inactivity warnings.
Hello, marosians! Due to a bug with the attack timers, town guard attacks have been disabled until further notice. Criminals will still be spotted and denounced, it's only the automatic attacks that will not happen for the time being.
Thank you for your understanding!
The free-to-play collaborative story.
Marosia is a free text based roleplaying game. It is an RPG in a fantasy setting with open world society simulation mechanics.
The player can create a character through instant spawning, or through the family system with a selection of different races.
Once your character steps into the world, what you do is up to you, as the freedom to play whatever sort of character you want allows infinite possibilities.
Experience the excitement of playing out a character's entire life, and living through their moments. Understand the world around you within a text based environment,
where words will sweep you into a new land of imagination and possibility. Feel the pleasures of your character's new discoveries; weapons, armor, tools,
and resources are waiting to be used and created for your character's agendas.
Fall in love, start a family, raise an empire, begin a business, create a religion,
discover treasure, lead a colony, create a government, plan a plot, become a thief, and change the world. It's up to you. The world is full of magic, surprises,
gods, and demons. Where will your character fit within it?