When broken functionality is found, you are required to report it through the game's report system found in the upper navigation menu. In addition, this is a roleplaying game first, a simulation second - roleplay is expected from your characters.
Roleplay (RP) is the narrative of a character's action. It can also encompass descriptions of the environment and surroundings, but the extent of this is determined by the Roleplay Hierarchy (read more about it in the Rules). By playing this roleplaying game, it is expected for players to roleplay their characters. That means using emotes on a regular basis in their posts, not just dialog. An emote is the literal written act of roleplaying a scene, typically written as if it is being read in a novel. The exception is when a character lives alone. Some sparse emoteless posts are alright, but characters for the most part should have some aspect of their interactions described regularly, including expressions, demeanor, and other indicators of mood. It should not express a character's thoughts. Below is an example:
Tears of frustration fill her tiny face as her arrow misses its intended mark, and the wolf manages to take a bite out of her before scurrying away, "Don't you ever bite my mommy again, you awful beastie!"
This game is officially supported on Firefox and Chrome on any major OS. All other browsers are unsupported. If you are using an unsupported browser, you may run into browser-specific bugs at your own risk.
The game date is Year 162 Day 4 Hour 1 with 22/134 players currently online and 434 characters living.
Hello, marosians! Most of you have noticed that many golems and fae have received a special blue event last week before lockdown. Well, due to in-game events, the fertility of both golems and fae have been tampered with: golems will now be able to have up to 3 children per pregnancy, and fae now also have a maximum of 3 children per pregnancy!
You'll also notice we have now added a line to all racial guidelines on the maximum amount of children each race can have at a time - so the information is now available in-game.
These are the bug fixes done since our last patch notes in October!
Firebomb no longer hurt hibernating characters
Sanguine bites should no longer cause injuries
A new tierborn is now properly allowed to be queued once your older tierborn turns 60, instead of 61
Animals should only die once when killed by wild animals now
Handing a container over no longer takes your container capacity into consideration
People who are dying of old age now can have their regular injuries healed
Watchtowers now no longer show people who are inside of buildings or adjacent tiles
Council members can now start ousting projects
Weather should now start changing again
Necromancy now has an accept button on the revived characters side
Animals should no longer be spilling off the list of incapable characters dying of old age
Telepathy replies should now work properly when sending to characters with apostrophe in their names
Active abilities now have visible descriptions for the characters with access to them
Hibernating a character should now properly generate the day's worth of logs
The vertical bar | is no longer allowed in item names - it was breaking events for everyone
Duplicate whispers should now properly generate an error message when it doesnt send
Features, bug fixes, and updates done since our last patch notes in August! We're still easing some new mods in, so there might be some staff rotation, but for now, we're welcoming Lyri and NeonRose onto the mod team! Many thanks to Paul for his help and enthusiasm as he steps back from mod duties.
If you wish to contribute to staff, please do put in reports, and we'll keep you in mind when we're open to new mods next! Onto the patch notes...
Feature Updates!
- New food type: Snacks! Made with a knife, 1/4th as filling as a regular meal! - Projects now show the items used to start it. - Water magic resurrections now require the player to accept or reject the resurrection. - If you have a tierban on your account, it will now show on your Account menu. - When a character under 16 dies from starvation, a 6 month tierban will now be applied automatically. - UI improvement: menus no longer collapse buttons, deselect checkboxes, and change dropdowns when youre clicking and unclicking them. - We had several performance updates to make the game lighter and faster!
Bug Fixes!
General Bugs - Animal products no longer get replaced by the item type when used as component. - Self inflicting is again showing its percentage preview - Checked items no longer remain checked after doing an action with them - Poisoning food should be working again - Copying keys shouldnt consider a hammer on the ground as the tool you are using - Destroying lock projects should now be split: if the lock is in your room, you destroy the lock on the ground. If the lock is in the next room, you destroy it from the area menu. - When a room is destroyed, all items and connected rooms should end up in the next room rather than outside on the tile! Unless youre destroying the entrance, of course. - Events for entering rooms werent posting for a bit there due to bugged windows. - Losing ownership of an animal should now properly generate the New Events badge on your character card. - Some grammar weirdness with self whispers should be fixed!
Travel - Travelling on foot is no longer sending characters to the Void! - Stopping on the road should now be working and properly generating events. - You now get a private event when you are made leader of a group! - Weather on the road now matches the tile you are leaving rather than the one youre going towards - This means that weather manipulation on the road should no longer be bugged! - Carts are no longer preventing attacks.
Magic - Sent clairvoyance messages now accept newlines (the Enter key) - The clairvoyance timer now gets properly delayed during lockdown - And it was extended to 10 real life days (but please reply sooner! We dont want to keep receiving reports) - Magic is no longer overriding other attacks.
Tierborn - When a starving child is automatically put up for adoption, their hunger will now be refilled to 30% - When unshifted fae are up for adoption, they are no longer indicated as "shifted" - Kids in the queue were becoming diseased, losing hunger, and falling incap while in the queue due to a corpse that disappeared into the void. This whole mess has been taken care of. - The blurb that says "This character is a tierborn child under the age of 10." is no longer visible at 10 years old.
A great big welcome to all of our newer players! Hopefully you've been finding your feet in Marosia and seeing what the game has to offer. If you're a bit stuck, then here are a few reminders for things you can do.
1. Write your characters' description. This can be done through clicking on the 'character' button under the 'Actions' menu.
2. Try to stay in your starting town. It can take a very long time to travel between towns on foot, and this can be very boring by yourself. It is best to stay put and try to make a few friends first.
3. If nobody is roleplaying with you, then consider having your character whisper to someone active in your area - introducing themselves and asking for help. This can be done by clicking on their name and hitting the 'whisper' button.
4. If you are still stuck, then please do not hesitate to reach out to staff via a report or Discord.
Here's wishing you luck - and hoping your character has a great story ahead!
Hi all, we are currently advertising the game so there will be an uptick of new players and first time characters. Please try to be patient with them, and remember to put in a report if you think they could benefit from staff reaching out.
Remember we were all new at some point and new players is how we keep the game fresh, so thank you in advance for being welcoming and taking the time to engage with any newbies.
Hi Marosians. Staff are going to go ahead with applying tierborn bans more liberally from this point onwards as this is what the majority of players would like, and it is something we are in favour of as well.
You should not be playing a tierborn character after the age of 8 if you cannot commit to them until adulthood (aged 16). You have 30 days to put them up for adoption from the ages of 5 to 8 if you need to.
The following is what you need to know:
- If a tierborn starves under the age of 8, then the char is put up for adoption and the account receives an automatic tier suspension for 6 months
- If the tierborn starves between the ages of 8 and 16, then the character will die and the account will receive a tier suspension of 6 months
- If players request staff kill their character between the ages of 8 and 16, then the tier suspension will be reduced to 3 months
- If tierborns die for other reasons between the ages of 8 and 16 then this will be examined on a case by case. We strongly recommend you put in a report if this might apply to you
To players of parents - please put in a report if you think your tierborn is just simming (not rping and only working on levelling up) until age 16 so staff can see if a suspension is appropriate there, too.
Marosia is a real time, persistent roleplaying game and every five weeks the game becomes inaccessible to the players. Time is frozen in game and for the characters it is an unnoticeable event. We call that period a Lockdown. Lockdowns continue to be every fifth week; so four weeks of Marosia, one week off.
As always, the lockdown should begin soon after the daily tick, and end just after the daily tick would have ran.
2024 2 Sep - 9 Sep 7 Oct - 14 Oct 11 Nov - 18 Nov 16 Dec - 23 Dec
2025 20 Jan - 27 Jan 24 Feb - 3 Mar 31 Mar - 7 April 5 May - 12 May 9 Jun - 16 Jun 14 Jul - 21 Jul 18 Aug - 25 Aug 22 Sep - 29 Sep
Why does Marosia have lockdowns? Marosia is a small game with a very high demand on staff time due to complexity. Staff are volunteers and we have established we need the regular breaks in order to have a breather and get on top of things.
This is not necessarily permanent. We will review things to evaluate if it is working and if any changes need to be made.
For transparency, mods and loremasters will be able to access reports and gods can access prayers during this break if they want to use it to catch up, though we have not told them they have to do this.
We want to thank everyone for their understanding. It is impossible to please everyone, but at the end of the day we think we are lucky to have such a mature and understanding group of players on board with us, and we hope we can continue to reward that with our work over lockdown.
Why don't you just get more staff? We are not afraid to get more staff where we need them - but we had much higher rates of burnout within the staff team before we implemented the regular lockdowns. People were getting burned out, and we just cannot keep cycling through individuals like a revolving door, especially when we really value each person who is part of staff. Something had to change, and we think lockdowns are still the answer.
Why don't we encourage people to take breaks instead of locking the game for everyone? We do encourage people to take breaks whenever they need them, and staff and players are still going to be encouraged to take breaks between the lockdowns if they need them. However, it has been proven time and time again that people can struggle to take a break for a multitude of reasons. People worry about letting others down, about missing something crucial, or about the story standing still without their critical character. People end up powering through hoping that they will get their muse back, and we see people's resilience and enjoyment being chipped away until the game is viewed as a chore. Our hope is that lockdowns will give people the breathing space they need to recoup, eventually coming back to the game refreshed and with a newly found enthusiasm. When the game is down for everyone - people won't worry about what they are missing, and it will give staff some much-needed time to catch up on what needs doing without new things popping up.
Why one whole week? That is so long! We looked at shorter times but decided the full week was needed to really give us the chance to not only catch our breath, but also have some time relaxing for ourselves before the game comes back up. A few days was deemed not long enough to actually wind-down, so we opted for the longer break with a long period in between rather than a shorter break every week or fortnight.
What am I going to do with myself? Relax and forget Marosia for a bit, or you can try and make some progress on those descriptions or book entries you have been putting off. You can process recent plot developments and mull over future ones, or look closely at characters you are no longer enjoying and have the time and space to figure out how you might change that. Essentially - you can and should use the time however you want to.
Cheers - The Marosian Team
The free immersive roleplay experience.
Marosia is a free text-based browser roleplaying game for adults. Its long-term nature
means the stories you write with other players can be remembered for generations to come.
You can create and design your character to engage with an immersive open world in a
fantasy setting, and contribute to a continuous, community-written story.
Everyone you interact with is played by another player, and everything you see has been
made by someone else.
Pick from a selection of starting races to write your story in a sandbox environment.
You can play a folk policing the forest to keep travelers safe, a lone rock giant trundling
through the vast grasslands, a kobold cultist living deep within the dangerous swamps, a
life-loving fae that holds seasonal festivals to their goddess, a hot-headed daemon on the
hunt for their next conquest - and so much more. Once your character forms within a town,
your imagination is the limit, and Marosia provides you with the tools to play out their
story in a multiplayer environment. Game mechanics allow your character to improve their
skills over time, gather resources, and create items using the built-in crafting menu.
Marosia supports artists and writers and allows players to be as creative as they want.
The world runs in real-time, with your character typically living approximately 18
months. Throughout that time they can make friends and enemies, fall in love and have a
family, rise to become a leader of their city, encounter gods and beasts, explore the
land in a map which would take 20 days to walk across, make mistakes or triumph - and
all while creating a unique story in a world full of the impossible. You will encounter
hermits and townsmen, priests and heathens, warlords and warriors, kings and thieves -
and they all would have started where your character did: at the beginning. It is up to
you to discover where your character fits in. What are you waiting for?